Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 91..40 Plate Chart

What does the vision of the world look like to you? Everybody has their own view so what does it look like now that you know Yahweh? We are all seeing a vision of the world and it all depends if it's a divine one or not that will make the difference between life and death. Let me explain.

Through the divine vision we see the real world open up that explains all the mysteries of our self and the world that is appearing to us. It was Yahweh Elohim that was before the physical creation as everything came through Him. This is what we are being made aware of right now, that this same Yahweh Elohim (Spirit) is before all things in us. It has been pointed out to us on the charts in Moses vision that everything came through the Word and the scriptures tell us this fact as well. They are the visible things for us to see to point to the invisible things of how Yahweh is doing it invisibility within our own mind. Do you understand what I am saying?

The reality of what we have been learning all these years now is being made known through us. Through us. Did you catch that one? It's been coming through us all our life but it's been our own physical mind that has overshadowed this reality. Since we didn't realize that Yahweh Elohim is before all things in our mind, then Yahweh was invisible to us. When we don't know something it's invisible. Yahweh has the power to have you look at something all your life and still make it invisible to you. He has done it all our lives as we have been looking at this world and ourselves for many years and we didn't realize it was all Yahweh. He was invisible but staring us in the face all our lives.

If you go within yourself and be aware of what you are looking with, it's through the divine attributes. Look how different the world looks like to you if you are sick or you are depressed. Mood swings change our world view so it's really coming from us how we see and experience the world. When you are up and happy so is everything around you. Your world view gets transformed up or down by you. You are the only witness to it in your head, right? None of us look at the world like we did when we were kids. It's the same world, but we changed it through our perception. That is why if you go back to where you grew up as a kid, it's all looks different as you were perceiving it through a child's mind.

So it's in the cloud that this creation exists where we live, move and have our being. It's so simple that is where we miss it. As Clive said, it's because we think we know that we are made blind. Go talk to anybody out there and see what their world consists of. You will be surprised how far you have come when you listen to the world of mortal beings.

To give you another example , what kind of world did Helen Keller live in? How about Ray Charles? See what I mean. They were in a totally different world and each one of us is also, depending what we have on our minds. We all are having our own view of the world through our own minds eye. Now what does the vision of the world look like to you? It certaintly has changed since dwelling in the phenomenal cloud by the divine vision.

As Clive said in the article called Our Common Beginnings, "We are all born subject to the nine divine attributes. Not only are they manifested as our physical bodies, but our consciousness or awareness manifests attributes also. This is the substance and source of our ability to comprehend what our five senses are gathering in our minds". You see it's all coming through Yahweh Elohim this comprehension of what we see and know. Re-read that article again and see what Yahweh is really saying.

The divine attributes are the invisible things of Yahweh as it is through them that they will give us our vision and revelation of the purpose of Yahweh, which is taking on shape and form within our cloud, plus they are the manifestation of spirit materialized as the physical creation seen through us. The Ark

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