Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Part 46..40 Plate Chart

What color is divine Intelligence? What sex is divine Wisdom? What religion is divine Knowledge? What nationality is divine Love? What school do you have to belong to, for divine Beauty to manifest? What race is divine Justice? What cast is divine foundation? What creed is divine Power? How old is divine Strength? What do all these divine attributes look like when they come together in your cloud? Think about this as this is what we really are.

I can't see you and you can't see me on this Internet and this is the way it should be and really is. You can see me by my words taking on shape and form in your head. That is my real appearance when you think about it. That is what I really look like and the same goes for you. When you see me, you see the Father. When you see what these words are really taking about, that is when you see the Father. I am not trying to communicate with your physical mind, but the Spirit that you really are (out of Egypt have I called My Son). It's all about revealing spiritual things to spiritual persons.

So what does divine Intelligence look like? How about divine Love, Beauty and Justice? This is what I really am and so are you. How else am I to write down what thus saith Yahweh if it were not for these divine attributes taking on shape and form in me and in you when you truly understand? I still have a physical body and the image that stares back at me in the mirror hasn't changed, but what is inside my cloud now has a different shape and form.

That is who I really am. What is now taking on shape and form within my cloud by divine vision is the revealing of the Father and so it is with you. When I make my appearance within your cloud by these words of inspiration I hope you don't see my image. You should see the Father. If you don't know me, then I can appear as the devil if that is the way you want to see me.

Right now as I am typing these words I am caught up in the Spirit and hopefully while you are reading these same words you are too. My full attention is what is coming through me and my physical image is not appearing to me and when your full attention is in like manner then we are meeting Yahshua in the Spirit.

For Yahshua Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with trumpet of Yahweh: and the dead in the Messiah shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet Yahshua in the Spirit:and so shall we ever be with Him. (I Thess. 4:16-17)

I don't care what you look like or what you are doing in the physical. I am not interested in your personal life. All I want to do is communicate Spirit to Spirit. I mean when words leave our mouths they make a sound to our ear but they are really invisible vibrations. Yes, that is what they really are. They originate from our thoughts and experiences and make their entry into the physical as sound created by the wind or air that passes over the larynx and shaped by our lips and tongue. They are then sound waves carried through the air to be picked up by other ears which receive the vibrations in the ear drum and get translated to the brain. Once they give up their sound vibrations, they then become translated by the occupant of the brain into thoughts and experiences.

Now who is the one doing this? Who is the one translating sound waves into divine messages? Once again it's those divine attributes. Intelligence has always been there interpreting the words. Now let me ask you a question? Are these words that you are reading right now making any sound? I can't hear anything outside of me when they leave me only the sound of the keys on the computer, but they are carrying a sound or message. I can hear them inside me as they come through just as you can hear them inside you when you read them. Do you have any sound vibrations upon your ear? No. But you can still hear my voice. Wow!!!

This reminds me of when Doc was having his divine vision and describes a communication that does not have sound waves. He was also willed to be at a certain time in history and he was there. Are you listening? It's not with your ears is it? This is how we are going to communicate without the body. We are doing it right now as we are caught up whether in the body or out of the body I can't tell. I just know that I am not in my room right now. Where are we? Right in heaven. Don't tell me there isn't power in words. Am I talking to you Spiritually? Of course. If I was talking to you physically I would tell you what I did at work today, etc.

What language does the divine attributes speak? You could say, German, French, English, Hebrew and on and on. But I am not talking about a physical language, I am talking about a spiritual language. The language of those divine attributes are always telling you about Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. They are revealing Yahweh. That is what they are. They are Yahweh in shape and form.

Yahweh has the power to take you right now and translate you out of this physical world and talk to you in a manner that you have never been talked to before. Now are you listening? Contained in these words are messages that are being sent to your inner man. They are hopefully by passing your carnal mind and talking to your Spirit which is His. When you receive them without spot and blemish, that is the real message that is sent not from physical me, but the Father in me He doeth the works.

One word can send a flash inside your head that will take you into eternity. The way a sentence is constructed with the exact words can reveal to you Yahweh as He really is and actually exists. Faith comes by hearing and that by the Word of Yahweh. It has been purposed for Yahweh to make Himself known through words. This is how we learned about the physical world, right? Well let me tell you, these words about Yahweh coming from any vessel is what is appearing in your cloud right now. I sure in the hell am not appearing inside your cloud as Kerry now am I? I am not even appearing in my cloud as Kerry, so how can I appear to you that way?

The mystery has been purposed to come down and the divine vision shall speak in a language that you can understand. So what color is divine Intelligence? Does divine Wisdom look like Dr. Kinley's physical image? Does divine Knowledge look like Kerry or does it look like you? How are these divine messages really appearing to you? When you read these words do you see the Father within yourself? What does He look like now this instant as you are reading these words? It sure doesn't look like Kerry or Dr. Kinley now does it? Draw me a picture of a divine revelation?

Yahshua Himself descending from heaven with a shout and the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of Yahweh is the reality of Yahweh coming into your cloud from heaven when you hear His voice (and not any other) and the sound of those divine attributes singing and revealing themselves as they really are and the dead in the Messiah is all that information coming from Moses, Adam, Joshua, Matthew, John. Paul, etc. shall shall rise first. (They are already dead aren't they?) Then you which are alive right here and now shall be caught up together (that's you and all that divine knowledge) to meet Yahshua in the Spirit. That is when Yahweh Elohim appears in the cloud as He said He would do. Now how about that? The Ark

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