Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 70..40 Plate Chart

On plate 33 in the Holy Place it says the gospel preached to Jews only 7 years. From the day of Pentecost, the Jews were the only ones that the gospel was preached to. They were the ones who were under the law and needed to be redeemed from that servitude and bondage. All those that came to John to be baptized were Jews as they were dead from serving under the law and had to be buried in the water so that the resurrection could take place. No Gentiles at this moment in time as they will be grafted in later. A Gentile is anything other than a Jew. The law was given to the Jews only.

The nation of Israel went all the way back to Abraham as every male child had to be circumcised. Jacob's name was changed to Israel and he had 12 sons that became the 12 tribes of Israel. The Hebrews (or Jews as they later became known), were the ones who received the law from Mount Sinai.

Yahweh was only using these people as a type to show forth His purpose and plan, just as He is doing with us as a group of people. Up here, those who received the divine vision first while Dr. Kinley was still in the flesh, represented the Jews. Pentecost had not come yet to us as Dr. Kinley had not taken off the flesh to change the age within our hearts and mind. So we received all the types and shadows, the correlations, and set the tabernacle up to worship Yahweh by. We thought this was it and nobody could go up against us with Yahweh fighting for us. We were following the phenomenal cloud and didn't realize that our journey was not finished yet.

We became righteous in our minds as we had the truth and the world were all Gentiles in principle as they had not received the tabernacle pattern. The Gentiles didn't know anything about the law of Moses and setting up the tabernacle as we did. But keep in mind that Yahweh is using us (just like He did with the children of Israel) to point to His Son, as it is going to be out of Egypt have I called My Son and not our misdirected egotistical mind.

That spiritual part of ourselves that knows Yahweh as He really is, is the Son of Yahweh. He is not interest in anything else but His Son. As the class of the IDMR grew we thought in our mind that we were the chosen people. We didn't know that Yahweh was going to change an age in our heart and mind to reveal the true Son to us and move us closer to Yahweh. Our journey was to take another veil change within us as the pattern dictated.

This true Son would be revealed in our cloud as the true Elohim and not out there anymore on the charts and in the bible. This true Son would reveal Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth as this was what the divine vision was really all about. It was not to build up a class of the IDMR with its physical structure of rules and regulations, but to reveal Yahweh in our cloud.

From 1931 to 1976, everyone in class was still under the law. We didn't know it at the time as we thought what we had was the truth and that nothing else could possibly be any better, until the age changed in our understanding. What all the correlations, scriptures, tabernacle pattern, etc. were really going to point to would be Yahweh in our cloud and not back in history. What we were all learning was our school master to lead us up to the true Son that would appear in our own clouds.

Even though the age changed, many are still under the law. If you came into class after 1976 you will still be under the law in your mind until you experience the change in your heart and mind. Remember the dispensation and ages chart is surround by a cloud.

The Spirit was poured out on our Pentecost to those who were already in school (The Jews who had the law of Moses). What Yahweh revealed after 1976 was that we were Yahweh too and this realization and experience went further and deeper than any of us had been before. It superseded all the charts and correlations. Remember when Dr. Kinley saw this divine vision or to put it more correctly when he became the divine vision (Yahweh Elohim), he made the charts to help us see what he experienced.

What was revealed to Dr. Kinley superseded the charts and the bible, is that almost right? The problem we had was we focused all our attention out there on the charts, Dr. Kinley being Yahweh in a body, and the history of the bible instead of who was really in our head which of course must happen according the pattern. This mystery became known after and not before, Doc took the flesh off and changed the age. That is when we experienced the reality of the divine vision within ourselves. We may of talked about the reality and said we have Yahweh within us, but the experience is the real thing. Once Doc took his flesh out of the way, then we could see Yahweh in ourselves. While the first tabernacle stood, the way into the Holy of Holies was not made manifested.

To those who didn't experience this change within their cloud, they remained adamant to what Dr. Kinley taught them in types and shadows and remain under the law with the charts and bible verses and setting up and down of the tabernacle. This caused the split to happen between physical Israel and spiritual Israel in a type as those who experienced the change within their heart and mind went one way and those who didn't went the other way. All according the purpose and plan, I might add.

I was way over in England when I was caught up in the Spirit and experienced that I was Yahweh. This happened in 1976 while Clive and I were talking around the dinning room table one night. We both felt an increase within ourselves and became scared at first as we felt like we were loosing our identity, until we went higher and the fear went away. The realization of becoming Yahweh destroyed any physical fear that our minds held on to as we became the Spirit that we were worshipping through this gospel. The oneness was not a total knowledge of everything there is, but what ever came into our mind was instantaneously known.

This changed me completely as I then saw that it was never on the charts but had always been within. That the Yahshua that I preached with blood, water, spirit since 1969 was now appearing in my cloud and not 2000 years ago. It was from then on that Yahweh started to reveal that all that I knew and learned since being in class, was all pointing to Him in myself and not pointing to him on the charts anymore. I started to become the divine vision as this is what is supposed to happen to us all.

The charts were now witnessing to the divine vision taking place within me. Did you hear that one? The charts are now your witness of what is taking place within you. Where is the divine vision supposed to take place? Within your cloud, right? Everything I knew was now proving who was really appearing in my cloud. I am not the only one as there are many more that experienced this great age change.

I am not telling you this to make me any greater than anybody else, but as a witness to what really happen after Dr. Kinley took the flesh off.

I was 6000 miles away on a tiny Island when this all happened and it has not stopped unfolding since. Isn't that beautiful that Yahweh is ever-present and distance doesn't matter. Dr. Kinley dies in California and pours out his Spirit in Essex, England. That was not the only place he poured out his spirit, I am just saying what happened with me. This is my testimony.

You may say that I am having a strong delusion and there is no change at all and we are to remain with what Dr. Kinley taught. Well I am not having a strong delusion but a divine vision and by the pattern there are two veils pointing to a change and this is what Dr. Kinley taught us. As I said before, it's a pattern repeat.

The divine vision is revealing Yahweh within you so you can worship Him there and not outside anymore. The Ark

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