Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 101..40 Plate Chart

Love has no cells, atoms or molecules and yet it exists. We can not see it, only how it performs in and through the flesh. It is really Spirit.

Our body has cells which makes it have a physical form. Cells are invisible to the naked eye, but when enough come together then molecules are formed which then come together to form organs.

Just to give you some idea how small cells are, if you took 50 white blood cells and laid them side by side they would just fit across the period at the end of this sentence. When 100 trillion cells come together you have a fully developed physical body that has height, weight, dimension, color and can be perceived by the five senses.

You see you have to understand how the physical originally came into existence. We are here already so we think this is the way things have always been all the time . But Yahweh willed this physical creation into existence out of Spirit, which is Himself. He was the one who thought this physical creation up within Himself in Pure Spirit. In other words Yahweh invented the material creation as it came through Him.

Time existed only when the physical creation came into it material form. We gage time by the rising and setting of the physical sun and the rotation of the seasons each year. There was not time before this happened.

So this means as Pure Spirit moves from its rest in perfection, it changes manifestation into an incorporeal (spiritual) shape and form and then comes down further to pass into the corporeal or appear in a solid state.

That is where atoms, cells, and molecules originally came from as it's Spirit crossing its own veil that it invented. Did you hear that one? He invented the two veils as it's by Him changing His manifestation that the incorporeal and corporeal exists. In other words Yahweh has the power to change His form from the abstract, to the intermediate, and then into the concrete which creates the two veils.

We as human beings have only woke up to this world with a physical mind in time and space and we didn't know about Spirit before and after our own physical existence. But life and death tell you there is something more than this realm of physical existence. There is a coming and going of physical forms. As Clive said in Part 8 we can see seeds growing right out of themselves in front of own eyes, but we don't see the miracle.

The physical is coming into existence everyday and disappearing as well. That's life and death of the new and the old. Babies are born everyday where as nine months before they were not in existence at all. They are coming into existence by Spirit passing the veil from invisibility to visibility.

How does each seed know what to grow into? From the law of the Spirit of Life. Yahweh does not have it, He is that Life Himself.

When you bite into a apple, the seeds are already there inside. The apple originally came from a seed which produces more seeds out of itself. We were once a seed that grew right out of itself. But where did the original seeds come from? From "I will be what I will to be", which is the power of Yahweh to change His form to what ever He wills to be.

Now the structure of the material creation, including ourselves, is Spirit materialized. We have heard this before a million times, right? But are you hearing what the Spirit is saying? You need to realize the reality and experience this divine vision.

Yahweh didn't create the physical to last forever. Why would He when He is Pure Spirit. He just has the power to will to be what ever He wills to be. So He willed to be a physical creation. This is how we have become our physical forms. This is how we exist here in this physical world by Yahweh transforming into it. If He did not do this then we would of never existed.

Now that I have said all that, out of the 350-500 million sperms that were in our father's orgasm (Which Yahweh created), don't you think Yahweh knew you were the one that was going into the egg as He is the material creation Himself. And on top of that, out of 7 billion people on the face of the earth, don't you think Yahweh knows where you are at all times and how to get you to come into contact with this divine vision? Now that is practical application and the reality of Yahweh, materializing into the world and yourself in divine awareness.

My dad could not understand how God can hear all the people on earth. That is because he had a sky God and was trying to understand Yahweh with a physical mind. Yahweh is all people on the face of the earth has how else can they come into existence.

The DNA has instructions to build a physical tabernacle just like the one that Moses saw in the mount. Isn't that pretty? That is why we have a head cavity, chest cavity and abdominal cavity with all the organs set in their place. DNA is Spirit Law obeying how the purpose must come into being. Remember everything is obeying His will as it's really Him materialized.

The three fold nature of all things is because it all came through Yahweh Elohim which is the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit.

Now as I said in the beginning, Love does not have any atoms, cells, or molecules. Same with the other divine attributes. They are Spirit and yet we feel their presence in what they are doing. This article is made up of them, but you can't actually see them, but they are taking on shape and form inside of you right this minute.

These articles are not just a bunch of words to just read. But they collectively create the vision that you experience divinely within your head. You should be witnessing to the reality personally as each word builds up to create this divine vision of Yahweh appearing in your cloud. That is what it is all about when you come to the nitty gritty. It is not about me or you on a egotistical level intellectualizing, but discovering Yahweh which is our true and real spirit.

Just as all the invisible cells come together to create a physical form, these words come together to create the visionary form of Yahweh Elohim Himself. If these words are affecting you, then you're not just reading. Something definitely is happening as it's you inside your head that is being transformed, for I will appear in The Cloud. The Ark

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