Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 67..40 Plate Chart

This needs to be read alone and by yourself. Re-read and listen to what the words are trying to say. Be still and know that I am Yahweh. The I am is in your cloud.

When our invisible thoughts come down out of our heads, they make their physical appearance through spoken or written words. That is the process that we make ourselves known. Wow!!! Look what just came through. I just saw the purpose of Yahweh coming down out of spirit in the flesh. It's the same way Yahweh did and is doing right now. He is making Himself known by coming out of the invisible to the visible.

In order to tell someone what is on our mind we have to communicate through the flesh. That is when thoughts pass the veil from being invisible to being visible. The lips and tongue put our thoughts into a discernible sound that is sent out on invisible sound waves to be picked up by the vibrations in the ear drum to be translated into the brain of the recipient. Invisible air passes the larynx and the lips and tongue organize the sound waves into discernible words to be understood. This is how we come down from being invisible inside our head to make ourselves know to each other.

Just imagine what it would be like if you could not talk or write or even do sign language. How would you make yourself known to the world? You would not have to make yourself known to yourself because you can hear what you are thinking, but to come down out of your invisible self you must come through the flesh to be made known. Are you listening? All your knowledge of Yahweh should be flashing inside your cloud as you read these words.

In the written word there are no sound waves upon our ear. The sound is only heard inside our head by reading what the letters mean. We have already learned how to read and write so these symbols can be understood as you are doing right now. Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge are already at work and are forming your understanding as you read. They are taking on a descriptive shape and form that is invisible inside your cloud. Your body is not understanding, it's you inside your head which is Spirit.

Now that is really who we are that invisible part of our selves that nobody can see until we speak or write. We are Spirit in reality with the power to make our selves known by coming down through the flesh. Now how about that? In reality that is how we are making ourselves known to ourselves is by coming down and returning to ourselves. We are coming down from the invisible to the visible only to return to the invisible.

When my parents died, I saw their lifeless bodies laying there. The people I really talked to and loved were now missing. That invisible part inside their heads had now disappeared from their physical bodies. When we talk to people we are really communicating to that invisible part that we can't see. Is that almost right? We can see the face but not the mind. We are doing it all the time but are unaware of this reality until it's pointed out and revealed. The next time you talk to somebody, be mindful of what is really taking place. You will be amazed just how simple this is.

You can't see me right now as I am only appearing as these words that are going into you. That is how I can get inside of you and you in me. This is how I am making myself known to you by coming down and organizing myself as the word made flesh. Aren't these words appearing in your cloud right now? Do you see what I mean? Did you catch that phrase?

Doc use to say, "You can hear me, your not blind." What is he really saying by this statement? You can see him by hearing what he is saying. He is coming down into words for you to see him in yourself. Hearing in understanding is seeing. We are seeing with our eyes of our understanding. The words are who He really was appearing inside our clouds, right? My words they are Spirit and they are Life. We were hearing his invisible words coming from his head into our head when we understand.

This is Yahweh in a body talking to us. His words are him coming down and making a physical appearance. Yahweh is not up in the sky folks. It's no use you looking up there anymore. I will appear in the cloud and we all know where that is by now as everybody has one.

Now all that I have just written is happening all the time. Yahweh is making Himself known by coming down by this divine vision that is being revealed unto us. It's coming down through the tabernacle pattern (flesh) and returning unto Himself (Spirit) and this is all taking place within your cloud. From divine vision down into words and back to the divine vision.

Yes this is all happening within you. Our conscious life is taking place in our own head which is the Most Holy Place and this just so happens to be where Yahweh said He would appear. These words are not coming from my carnal mind. They are coming from divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. Yes, the same Spirit that came down in 1931 is writing now. Am I greater than you? No. Because it's the same Spirit in you that understands. We are one. There are no big I's or little you's. Yahweh is revealing Himself full stop. That's it. Make them one as you and I are one.

What came down through Adam, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Yahshua, Paul, Dr. Kinley is the same one coming down in us. They are they that testify of who you really are. The one same Spirit. That is why we had to go back to Moses because he wrote of us which is the true Spirit that is appearing in our heads. That is how the mystery starts to unfold. We see it all in the visible which will point to the invisible, not up in the sky, but within ourselves. That is where the invisible really is, not out there in the abstract, but in you. You are invisible inside your head. Our bodies have taken all the glory through our lives and we didn't know that the real us was inside all the time. That is the invisible things of Yahweh.

I am an off-spring of what Doc saw just as you are. These invisible thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exist are the angels in heaven. Ministering spirits. I see angels descending and ascending right now, coming down in these words and resurrecting in your mind.

We are in the presence of Yahweh Himself.

He has come down to return His Son back unto Himself. We each have it within ourselves, if only we look there. The divine vision came down in words and pictorial illustrations only to return in the cloud. If it is not returning in your cloud then there is no spiritual resurrection. Do you see what I am talking about? Do you seeeeee what I am talking about? The Spirit that came down must return unto it's Source. That's the way it is. That is the round trip. That is the migratory pattern. That is what the spiritual resurrection is all about.

Take the flesh of me and take the flesh off you. We have to get out of here one way or the other. The closer it gets to the end the more Spirit is being poured out to consume the flesh within ourselves.

Are you talking to me? Yes. Is there anybody else inside your head reading this right now?

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Hello, you Yah. The Ark

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