When we ask Yahweh (prayer within ourselves) we are calling on the Source. The Source is always going to be greater as the Father is always greater than the Son. A prayer is done by the Spirit according to the will of the Father.
Likewise the Spirit also helpth our infirmities, for we know not what to pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Rom 8: 26. In fact read the whole 8th chapter.
At times we need to call on Yahweh to help us. He set it up this way so we will know it comes from Him. This will establish the relationship between you and Him. Any of His attributes can be download by asking in sincerety and in Truth and not by our ego. We all know what the ego wants, is more glory for itself. By knowing it came from Yahweh, Truth is revealed as it really is in you.
Why does Yahweh want us to give Him the glory? Because we have been giving the credit and glory unto ourselves which has been the lie. Everything is Him and it all glorifies Him and only Him. He is the Source and Substance don't forget. So it's only natural that everything has been made to point back to The Source. By giving Him the glory we are then going back and resurrecting a quickening Spirit. He is not sitting on a throne up in the sky, but within you. So the more glory you give Him the more you recognize Him in you. Yahweh is so smart.
So is Yahweh egotistical? No. He is the only Source there is, so there is nothing else to glorify but Himself. See that? The ego steals the glory unto itself which sets up the lie. It is not the source but takes what Yahweh is and turns it around and makes it appear to be something else. You see when you recognize Yahweh you are giving the credit back to where it belongs. You are taking the lie off everything in you and turning your darkness into Light.
No matter how much we know, Yahweh is always going to be greater because He is the ultimate Source. He will always be the Father of ourselves.
There is the Truth and there is the lie. Two mysteries. The Truth is the real state of things and the lie is the cover up of what is real. By Yahweh revealing Himself we are coming back to the real state of things. This means everything has to be exposed in ourselves to reveal what is real.
Now how does Yahweh receive glory if He is everything all the time? By hiding Himself from Himself. You don't believe He has the power to do this? Well that is what is taking place right now in our own minds. We are being revealed. He is revealing Himself. Did you catch that one? The fact that we didn't know proves He hid Himself, because we are Yahweh. When it says the Truth will set you free, you must ask yourself free from what? From the lie that we have been told by our own physical mind.
Don't look anywhere else but within yourself.
First of all your name is not who you are. All you have to do is listen to what your breathing is telling you. It's telling you the Truth that you are Yah (inhale) and weh (exhale). Before you try to say your name you take a breath (Yah) and then you say your name (which is the lie) on the exhale breath which is the woman. Yah is masculine and weh is feminine. Your name is the lie that covers up the Truth of who you really are. You are telling on yourself when you say your name as it is coming on the exhale only, which is the woman being separated from the Man. Yahweh is a complete name said on both inhale and exhale which is your life. Your name is only said on the exhale which is telling you are separated and not complete. Can't make it any simpler than that.
Yes you still have to use your name in this world , but within yourself while you are dwelling in your cloud, you can appear as Yahweh unto yourself. So aren't these words creating a battle within your own mind between the Truth and the lie right now? Your own physical mind will not give the glory to Yahweh, which is not up in the sky, but right within yourself. Your going to deny what your own breathing is telling you which is what is keeping you alive. Your mind will say this is stupid.
And Yahweh Elohim breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul.(Gen. 2: 4).
Your breath is the evidence of things not seen. I'm sorry you can't fix it. Truth is Truth and it will stand all by itself regardless of what you think. The lie has no foundation and will not stand on its own. It must come down and be exposed.
Now the knowing of all this is Yahshua the Messiah. No man knows The Father but the Son and no man knows the Son but the Father. Everything is Yahweh but the awareness of this is the shape and form that is now appearing in your cloud from this divine vision. The Ark
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