You need to slow down and read these words slowly as they are carrying an important message. Try to stay with the flow of the train of thought without the nit picking in your mind. You will be surrounded with, 'what about this?' and 'how about that?' by your physical thoughts, but let the true Spirit become the Way, the Truth and the Light. Follow the phenomenal cloud in this divine message and you will see who is appearing in your cloud. If you don't follow the phenomenal cloud you will not see any similitude.
There should be a change happening within your perception of yourself and the world. Before we knew Yahweh, this world and our physical existence was the real thing and spirit was something abstract that was way off and not here to us in our awareness. Now the more Yahweh reveals Himself through listening to His words, then Spirit becomes the real and the old view of the world becomes the type and shadow.
Now that the spiritual mind is taking over the physical mind, most things are perceived in reality rather than through vain imaginations. This change is come about because of Yahweh Elohim appearing in our cloud as those divine attributes take on their shape and form as our understanding. Our awareness is in a resurrected state as our being ascends out of our own darkness and ignorance to start to become one with Yahweh Himself.
When Yahweh is perceived in His purity, then the spots and blemishes are consumed, as realistic perception becomes our focal point and divine reality now has our attention. The power that we think we have that builds up on earth through our physical mind can only last a life time. In other words it all ends when we do. The power of our job, the power of our money, the power of our possessions, all of it goes when we die. So why waste our time in something that is going to be destroyed in the end? There is nothing wrong with our jobs, money and possessions, only if they consume you and that is all you can think about.
If you were on a train and you knew it was going to crash at the end of the line and you were going to be killed, wouldn't you want to find a way off the train? Well the same thing is going to happen to our physical bodies. It's going to crash at the end and disintegrate. Finding and knowing Yahweh is the only way out. To be born again is not just some religious words, but a transformation into the reality of who we really are. We undergo a complete birth into a different world or age of understanding with a different body to dwell in. The change takes place within our cloud right now. The world stays the same but we change it through the eyes of our understanding. We will see ourselves and the world we live in as it really was meant for us to see it, all reflecting Yahweh, not up in the sky, but within our cloud.
When we ascend into the Present Kingdom Age (MHP) of our understanding, this will put an end to our physical mind keeping us under the law making us think we are responsible for our actions. We will put an end to sin by the resurrection of our true Spirit as we will nail that ignorance to the cross.
Isn't that what Yahshua did when He changed the age 2000 years ago in history and in time? He nailed the flesh to the cross and put an end to sin so that Yahweh (not man) can write His law in our hearts and mind. The physical mind makes us feel guilty or condemned because it has taught us that we have free will. That is one of our vain imaginations. That is one of the biggest lies we have been told.
It's an illusion brought about by the ignorance of who we really are.
If we think we are in control then we will think we can sin. That was man writing his law in our heart and mind so that we would not find and know Yahweh. The carnal mind touches and eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and dies and is cast out of the garden into darkness. The spiritual mind touches and eats of the Tree of Life and lives and resurrects back into heaven, into The Light.
It's only our physical thoughts that are trying to be saved by thinking they have to be obedient when you really examine yourself. Until our physical mind is no longer engrossed with the consequences of its acts and recognizes Yahweh instead, we will remain under our own laws that were imposed on us until the time of reformation. Our physical minds want to control instead of serve. The reformation is when we recognize the true spirit that we are. That will re-form us into the shape and form of Yahweh Elohim.
One thought that really knows Yahweh, can conquer a thousand physical thoughts that doesn't. Remember when the Israelites went up against those nations to conquer Canaan's Land? Yahweh used a small amount to go up against many. There was one time when the Israelites had too many men and Yahweh reduced their number. What is that all about? That is how Yahweh gets His glory and demonstrates His Power by over coming great odds. How does one spiritual thought enter your mind, a mind that is filled with darkness and ignorance, and that spiritual thought be understood? By the Power of Yahweh.
Some times we think we are heavily out numbered by our physical thoughts when things get on top of us, but that is the way Yahweh likes it. All He has to do is send a few divine messengers and they can wipeout an entire city of carnal thoughts. That is what is taking place right now as you read this articles and receive the divine vision in your heart and mind.
These words are going into your head and your physical thoughts are trying to kill them off. All what you have been taught in the world (billions of thoughts) are trying to fight these spiritual words (divine messengers) and they will not prevail. A sentence in divine understanding can consume billions of thoughts and reduce them to smoke and ashes. It's true. When something is revealed to you in Spirit and in Truth, it consumes a life time of lies that we have believed. Sometimes Yahweh puts together the exact wording and sends your Spirit into the 3rd heaven.
We can truly see what Yahshua meant when He said, "My words, they are Spirit and they are Life". This is the way it's set up by the preaching of the gospel.
When you lose yourself, you will find it all. The Ark
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